Gabion Fences: Robust and Industrial

Gabion fences consist of wire cages filled with rocks or other materials. They are sturdy, provide excellent sound insulation, and have a unique industrial look.

Common Issues and Repairs:

  1. Wire Cage Damage: The wire cages can corrode or break over time. Inspect the cages regularly for signs of wear. Replace damaged sections with new wire mesh and secure it tightly to maintain the fence’s integrity.
  2. Shifting Rocks: The rocks inside the gabions can settle or shift, causing the fence to lose shape. Simply reposition the rocks and add more if necessary to keep the fence looking full and stable.
  3. Foundation Issues: Gabion fences are heavy and need a solid foundation. Check for signs of the foundation sinking or shifting. Reinforce the base with additional gravel or concrete if needed to ensure stability.
  4. Vegetation Growth: Weeds and plants can grow between the rocks. Regularly remove unwanted vegetation to keep the fence neat and prevent damage from root systems.